Exposing api hosted on localhost to external world through internet.

Just came across with beautiful tool called ngrok which is used to exposes the localhost  to the external world.
Lets say i have a Restful service(example webapi code) in my PC , i am running it on port 57211.
Installation of ngrok:
  1. Go to https://ngrok.com/
  2. You can simply download the zip file and unzip where ever we want in our file system.
  3. Lets say i unzipped it in C:\Users\Kartheek\Downloads.
  4. To check whether ngrok is installed or not,please check by typing ngrok in command prompt.
  5. Now type ngrok http 57211 in your command prompt then you will get the following screen.
  6. Please select the Forwarding Link i.e. http://0c26c6e0.ngrok.io and you can share this link to anyone for checking your application.
This really helps us to  do some testing.

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