Creation of Data Buckets ,Cluster Reference and Cluster Replication

Steps to create Data Buckets: 1.Click on Data Buckets and then click on Create New Data Bucket. 2.Type the Bucket Name and click on Create Button.Then you appear the following screens. Creation of XDCR: 1.Click on XDCR tab and click on Cluster Reference. 2.Enter Cluster Name,IP/HostnameĀ and UserName and Password of Couchbase.

How to backup and restore couchbase database

Couchbase is NoSQL database system which allows us to store data in schemaless JSON format. When we are using the couchbase it is important to keep backup of the data so that in case of an accidental break down we can save the data. Below is the process by which we can create backup of… Continue reading How to backup and restore couchbase database